There may come a time in your job hunt when you must cancel or postpone an interview. Although most people don’t enjoy canceling something they had scheduled, it does happen occasionally. The key to canceling an interview is communication. Here are some tips to help you effectively communicate when your interview plans change.
Canceling an Interview
An interview may need to be canceled for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you found a better opportunity and accepted a job elsewhere. Was there anything about the position or the company that made you reconsider? Did you decide to stay at your current job? Whatever the cause, you should notify the company as soon as possible. Nobody enjoys wasting time. Good practice would be to let your recruiter or hiring manager know you would like to cancel a few days prior to the interview. It is not necessary for your explanation to be lengthy and drawn out. Simply notify them by email or phone that you will be unavailable for interviews.
Canceling Interview Message Example
Dear Employer,
I appreciate the opportunity to interview for the job, however, I have decided to not pursue this opportunity at this time. I wanted to give you ample notice, so you have time to fill that slot with another applicant.
Job Applicant
Rescheduling an Interview
There are instances when a job interview conflicts with your schedule or when the time set to meet with a recruiter or hiring manager is interrupted by an emergency. If you are still interested in the opportunity but need to postpone an interview, the same rule of notifying those involved in the hiring process applies. You should let them know you are still interested, and you would like to find a new time that won’t interfere with either of your calendars. If you are given the green light to reschedule the interview, be sure to give yourself some time to reprepare.
Rescheduling Interview Message Example
Dear Employer,
I am looking forward to interviewing for the job, however, due to an emergency, I need to reschedule if possible. Here are a couple of dates and times I am available.
Monday, Dec. 12 at 3 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 9 a.m.
Job Applicant
If you must postpone or cancel an interview, do so with consideration and courtesy. If you’d like, you might even suggest another candidate for the position.
Have you ever had to cancel a job interview? Let us know in the comments section below!