The job hunt can be stressful enough, but add in the complexity of applying internationally and things might get a whole lot trickier. Your resume may be well-polished, but is it in the appropriate format for the country where you’re seeking employment?
The Big CV vs. Resume Debate
What’s the difference between a CV (short for curriculum vitae, meaning “course of life”) and a resume? This seemingly simple question can trip up even the most seasoned job seeker because it depends on where you live. In the UK and most of Europe, they utilize the word CV, while resume is the commonly preferred term in the U.S. and Canada. To help you navigate this global landscape, check out this TopCV infographic that breaks down the key differences in formats across the world.

Tailoring Your CV or Resume for Success
By understanding these key differences and using the handy infographic as a reference, you can tailor your CV or resume to each country where you apply. This way, your qualifications will shine through, no matter where you’re sending your application.
Ready to take your job search to the next level?
With a presence spanning across the U.S., Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, Express Employment Professionals is dedicated to connecting job seekers with opportunities and helping businesses thrive with top-tier talent. Search for your next career through the ExpressJobs App, or contact the Express office nearest you to learn more about our services.